
For a sustainable and
resilient future...

Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability Strategy


To strategically invest in initiatives that promote long-term growth, support local communities, and minimize environmental impact, thereby contributing to a more sustainable and resilient future.


Sustainability Strategy


At EWIG, we are committed to conducting our business in a way that is responsible, sustainable, and aligned with the highest standards of environmental, social, and governance performance. We believe that by focusing on ESG factors, we can create long-term value for our stakeholders, including our customers, employees, shareholders, and the communities where we operate.

Our environmental strategy focuses on reducing our carbon footprint, conserving natural resources, and promoting sustainable practices throughout our operations. We are committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives. We strive to minimize waste and promote responsible resource use, and we work to ensure that our supply chain is environmentally responsible.

Our social strategy focuses on promoting social welfare, diversity, and inclusion, and ensuring that our operations have a positive impact on the communities where we operate. We are committed to supporting education, health, and poverty alleviation initiatives, and we work to ensure that our employees have access to fair and safe working conditions, equal opportunities for advancement, and a supportive workplace culture.

Our governance strategy focuses on upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all our business practices. We are committed to complying with all laws and regulations, and to maintaining ethical business practices and a culture of integrity. We prioritize shareholder rights and engagement, and we regularly engage with our stakeholders to ensure that our operations align with their expectations and needs.

We believe that our ESG strategy is essential to our long-term success and to creating value for our stakeholders. We are committed to continuously improving our ESG performance and reporting on our progress to our stakeholders in a transparent and accountable manner. We recognize that our ESG performance is integral to our reputation and to maintaining the trust of our stakeholders, and we are committed to being a responsible corporate citizen and a leader in sustainability and governance in our industry.

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Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability Pillars


We focus on the well-being of people and communities. This involves promoting fair labor practices, ensuring health and safety in the workplace, fostering diversity and inclusion, supporting local communities, and contributing to the overall welfare of society.



This pillar pertains to the impact of human activities on the natural environment. This involves initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions, conserving resources, minimizing waste, promoting renewable energy, and adopting eco-friendly practices to mitigate ecological impact and address climate change.



We emphasize on the long-term viability of economic systems by fostering economic prosperity, creating jobs, generating economic value in a responsible manner, and ensuring financial stability for both the organization and the communities in which we operate.


NET Zero

For a future powered
by clean energy...

We proudly declare our commitment towards
a NET ZERO future.


NET Zero Emission
Scope 1, 2 & 3

dec-plan dec plan mobile

CSR Strategy

For a world benefiting from
our ethical engagements...

CSR Strategy

A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) statement is a public declaration of a company's commitment to social and environmental responsibility. At EWIG, we are committed to being a responsible corporate organization and making a positive impact on society and the environment. We believe that our success is closely linked to the well-being of the communities where we operate, and we strive to contribute to their growth and development.

Our CSR initiatives focus on three key areas: social welfare, environmental sustainability, and ethical governance. We work with local partners and stakeholders to identify the most pressing needs in each community and develop programs that address those needs in a sustainable and impactful way.

In the area of social welfare, we prioritize initiatives that support education, health, and poverty alleviation. We support programs that help individuals and families overcome financial hardship and build resilience.

In terms of environmental sustainability, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices throughout our operations. We invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives, and we work to minimize waste and promote recycling and responsible resource use.

Finally, we prioritize ethical cooperate governance and transparency in all our business practices. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior, and we regularly engage with our stakeholders to ensure that our operations align with their expectations and needs.

At EWIG, we believe that CSR is not just a box to tick, but a fundamental part of our business strategy. We are committed to continuous improvement and creating a positive impact on the world around us.

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& Policies

For a culture built on
transparency and integrity...

Governance & Policies


EWIG has adopted a two-tiered governance structure consisting of an Executive Board and Committees. Governance is based on a strict separation of management functions fulfilled by the Executive Board and oversight functions performed by the Committees. EWIG governance relies on rigid, clearly-defined rules and absolute trust between the Executive Board and its Committees.

EWIG’s Corporate
Governance Principles and Values are founded on:











Governance & Policies

The Executive

The Executive Committee oversees all aspects of EWIG’s strategy, including diversification of investment sectors and asset classes, deployment, fundraising, and market environment analysis. The Executive Committee will also oversee the operational performance of investments, HR development, and our CSR policy.


Governance & Policies


The Executive Board of Directors commissions the Risk Committee with an underlying task of assisting the Board in its oversight of maintaining a dynamic approach to risk management; having particular emphasis on:

  • Evaluating & Recommending EWIG's Risk Exposure & Tolerance
  • Risk Profile
  • Integrating Risk Policies & Procedures
  • Risk Governance Structure
  • Risk Operational Deficiencies
  • Investment & Financial Risk Limits
  • Effectiveness of EWIG’s Risk Management Framework in Supporting the Group

The Committee's extensive skills and experience contribute to considering how EWIG manages Group risk. Each member shall be entitled to rely on the consistency, accuracy and totality of information provided to the Committee.

Governance & Policies


The Investment Committee is responsible for managing the existing investment portfolio, vetting new investment opportunities, and contributing to business and investment planning.

The Investment Committee is tasked with the following responsibilities:

  • Investment team oversight
  • Establish guiding principles for investment activities
  • Endorse investment strategy
  • Endorse new investment opportunities
  • Monitor & manage investment portfolio
  • Endorse divestiture strategies of existing investments
  • Endorse financing instruments
  • Measure and prepare portfolio reviews, divestiture reviews, and forthcoming investment strategies for the purpose of delivering reports and budgets

Governance & Policies

Audit &

EWIG's audit & compliance committee is an essential pillar of effective corporate governance and is the sound body to offer effective oversight of the company's performance, independence and objectivity.

The audit committee is responsible for EWIG's financial reporting processes, internal controls, financial statements and auditor quality audits, and EWIG's compliance with legal & regulatory requirements. The audit committee is independent of safeguarding investors.

Reporting &

For a performance measured by
more than numbers...
